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Report expired on 30. 11. 2024!

Student and staff satisfaction first and foremost.

Student and staff satisfaction first and foremost.
For the third year running, the faculty management gave all students and employees the opportunity to express their opinion on the conditions and environment for learning and working at the FEECS.

Management recognizes that these factors are some of the keys to quality education and performance. We value every opinion and feedback from you and welcome new suggestions for improvement. The aim of the survey was to compare the results with last year and incorporate the suggestions into plans to make FEI a slightly better place to study and work again.
403 respondents took part in the survey, 200 more than last year. This included 110 (36%) of the 307 staff and 292 (11%) of the 2,723 students.

For the questions in which respondents expressed their level of satisfaction with the environment at the FEI/University, a five-point scale (1-5) corresponding to a verbal rating of very satisfied - very dissatisfied was used for evaluation.

The most commented aspect from last year was the conditions for leisure time and related recreational facilities at the FEI. The new furniture has successfully solved the lack of seats and offers another benefit besides the number of seats, namely comfort, which everyone likes to appreciate during the time between lectures. The survey this year showed that up to 85% of respondents are satisfied with the common environment (classrooms, laboratories, ...) and the new equipment acquired (new furniture on the first and second floor), appreciating not only its appearance but also its practicality and overall impression.

What we are already working hard on is the extension of the electrification of rest areas. This is in response to numerous requests for better charging availability for your electronic devices. The goal is not only to increase the convenience of using your laptops, tablets and smartphones, but also to support the efficiency of your study and collaboration. Incorporation of electrical outlets into desks is scheduled for this holiday season.
And that's not the only news! You will be able to choose the chairs you will sit on in the seminar rooms starting in the fall as early as May! On the ground floor next to the cloakroom, you will be able to try out three types of chairs starting in mid-May. Use the QR code to let us know which type is best for you! Comfort during class is key, so we will let you, the students, determine which type of chair you wish to learn on.

Another positive change to the faculty that has occurred thanks to your feedback was the addition of a coffee machine, which you will find next to the cafeteria on the left side. The upgrading has also been accompanied by a new coat for the cafeteria, where it is already a pleasure to sit and have something good to eat.

Thank you to all respondents for expressing their opinions! We appreciate it and try to work with them as best we can.

Created: 6. 5. 2024
Category:  News
Department: 404 - Public Relations Office