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Bezpečnost a zabezpečení aplikací sítí vestavěných systémů
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Grantová agentura ČR
Obecná forma
Standardní projekty
The main benefit of the project is the consideration of what safety and security mean in the context of embedded systems networks and the study of methods and techniques that can be used to achieve it. Goal is determine methods and techniques for the development of embedded systems networks with demands on safety and security in adherence to international standards, and to use, operate and modify the most promising internationally available techniques and tools for analysis and model checking aiming at validating safety and security properties. Adherence to standards is a growing need in today’s interoperable environments of embedded system networks. The development of embedded systems networks necessitates that the safety and security features of the system be compared against appropriate protection profiles and security targets of the common criteria. This involves identifying the appropriate evaluation assurance level and then performing the actual validation. Internal and external safety and security are becoming much more critical as more and more people depend on embedded devices in many aspects of their lives. Strong security measures will allow embedded systems to carry critical data and deliver it to only those who should be getting it.
Information system of research, development and innovation (in Czech)